... yet from those flames
No light; but rather darkness visible (I. 62 - 63)
I had seen a total solar eclipse in 1996 but this year's event was grander.
Way more grand.
The eclipse made me realize just how long four minutes can be: that's how long the eclipse lasted. It took place early in the morning. Sometime past 6 am, if I am not mistaken. The birds woke up and before they knew it, it was dark again.
Were the birds feeling a tad jet-lagged from the experience?
There is something extremely awe-inspiring about a total solar eclipse. It is a celestial spectacle. And the sun (and the moon) did put up quite a show.
Take a look.
Images and Video: (c) Sandeep Banerjee - All Rights Reserved
Man, the video's awesome. Goosebumpy moment